Sunday, February 15, 2015

february - first half.

The past two weeks have been busy. Emmett has been doing well with his new, full schedule and there have been two new changes to it. First, the teachers at Fraser decided it would be best to have Emmett switch to a different classroom because he has been doing so well! He seems to be doing well in his new classroom where he is expected and has more opportunity to socialize with peers.
Second, Emmett is now riding the morning bus to school. I was nervous to do this at first because the morning bus is full and does not have an aid on it. It also has kids of all ages riding. But the preK students get to ride in the front and it seems to be going well. He was REALLY quiet the first day he rode, but his teacher called me when he got to school and said he did fine! In the end, it's been easier having him ride the bus both ways.
*Also, Emmett has been putting his coat on all by himself! He uses the "flip" trick and gets really proud each time he does it. :)
Emmett's favorite spot at therapy. The sack swing.
^^trying a new kind of applesauce through a straw to build oral motor skills.
^^he didn't like it very well.
^^handwriting activities on the iPad.

^^Last week Emmett had his first accident at school. :( His teacher called and told me he wet his pants and was crying. :( He was really embarrassed and was still embarrassed when he got home. In his backpack he has an extra pair of underwear and pants for this very reason. What I didn't realize was how SHORT these extra pants were, and when he got off the bus I couldn't help but laugh! I tried asking him what happened, but he just avoided eye contact and kept repeating, "I don't know. I don't know." Then I specifically asked, "Emmett, did you go pee pee in your underwear?" and he said yes but wouldn't look at me. :( Poor guy. He felt so bad.

^^we went to Papa and Grandma's house and she gives a mean massage. :) she has some great essential oils, like lavender and thieves. these oils + massage = a calm boy. and one that smells great. :)  
thanks grammy!