On Monday, Emmett had his screening with the school district at the SPPS placement center. He did very well with both the vision and hearing tests. The rest, however, was painful for me to watch and I started to cry. Emmett was not able to do most of the things the staff member asked him to do. For example, he did great with telling her colors and counting from 1-10. But when he was asked to copy a pattern, drawing, or structure with the blocks, he looked at her with a blank stare. He was also unable to answer many of her questions or finish a sentence such as, "A brother is a boy, a sister is a _____?" I know Emmett is smart and will learn at his own pace, but it was still really hard for me to witness him struggling with simple requests. Someone from special education is suppose to call us to have Emmett evaluated (again, sigh) to see what he qualifies for in school.
Speech therapy went well on Wednesday. Zena and Emmett mostly played again to get to know each other. She worked again with him on telling her what he wants, not just pointing and grabbing at toys. She wants him to say, "I want the ______." He still hasn't said it, but it will come with time.
- Matt and I filled out the massive packet we had to send to the feeding clinic to get an appointment. We had to answer a ton of questions and write down everything Emmett ate and drank for 3 days. We had to write down what he ate, at what time, how long it took him to eat it, and how much (specifically) he ate. That's hard to do!
- Someone from Ramsey County called me back! She was very helpful and answered most of my questions. It sounds like getting any kind of medical assistance is a long and tedious process. Yikes.